
Making a plan now can help you cope better with any health situations that happen and make the best possible choice for treatment.

For example, talking to your GP about what they suggest you do if you have a health issue when they are closed. It is good to prepare for health emergencies.

Making a plan

Here are some things to think about when making a plan to deal with a health situation.

  • Do you have a regular GP who you know and trust? Go to Find a local GP on this website to locate a GP near you.
  • What is your regular doctor’s advice for health care when they are closed?
  • Do you know of any after hours GPs that service your area? You can use the online Health Service Finder to find an after hours doctor.
  • Do you have the 13 HEALTH number (13 43 25 84) easily accessible? E.g. on your fridge or saved in your phone.
  • Do you know where your Medicare card is? Is it expired?
  • Do you have any x-rays or medical reports that you would need to take to the hospital with you?
  • Have you spoken with your GP about any new issues? Are there any new or different health symptoms? Have symptoms changed?
  • Are you taking any medicine? If so, can you take any current medicine or its packaging to the hospital with you? If you can’t take the medicine/packaging with you, be sure to keep a record or take a photo of the medicine package.
  • Do you know where your nearest emergency department is located? Do you know how to get there? Do you need to practice getting there?
  • If you have children, do you have the phone number of someone to look after them?
  • Do you need an interpreter?